Religious Education
At Penshurst CE Primary we follow Understanding Christianity and Other faith units written by Rochester Diocese. These cover the 6 principal world religions.
Understanding Christianity has identified eight core concepts at the heart of mainstream Christian belief. It sets out some knowledge ‘building blocks’, to clarify what pupils should know and understand about these concepts at each school phase. It provides a teaching and learning approach to unpack these concepts and their impact in the lives of Christians in the UK and the world today, making connections with the world of the pupils and their wider understanding.
The intention of our RE curriculum is to develop pupils understanding of how Christians interpret, respond and connect to biblical texts and teachings and to help pupils to make possible connections between these and their own lives and ways of understanding the world. It also seeks to give them a brief overview of other faiths and how they live their lives because of what they believe.
The RE curriculum is organised into units and each unit takes a core concept and gives a key question through which to explore the concept. The unit identifies the knowledge ‘building blocks’ and focused outcomes that are expected of pupils by the end of teaching. Our curriculum takes into account our mixed aged classes and is delivered as a two-year rolling programme.
Through encounters with core concepts and texts, pupils are able to examine how people put their beliefs into action in diverse ways within their own community and in the world, making connections between others beliefs and actions and their own.
Pupils’ achievement can be assessed against the knowledge building blocks and against end-of-phase outcomes.