How to apply for a place
Although we are a small village school, we take children from the wider area outside Penshurst Village – each year we are able to offer places to children from outlying towns and villages.
The admissions process for Reception children usually opens in November and closes in January. You must apply for a place through the Kent County Council Primary Admissions website.
We currently have some limited places across all key stages, please contact the School Office if you are interested in a place or would like to come along and have a tour of the school.
As a Church of England Aided School, the Governing Body is the admissions authority, not the LA, and therefore has its own over-subscription criteria. In the event of there being more applications than places available, the Governing Body will apply selection criteria in the following order (highest priority first):
1. Children in Local Authority Care including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted or previously in Local Authority Care.
2. Children whose permanent residence is within the ecclesiastical parish of Penshurst.
3. Children with siblings who will be in the school at the time of entry.
4. Children whose permanent residence is in the ecclesiastical parishes of Fordcombe, Chiddingstone, Sevenoaks Weald, Leigh, Bidborough or Speldhurst.
5. All others.
If there is an oversubscription within any of these categories, applicants will be prioritised in order of the proximity of their permanent residence to the school in accordance with KCC’s Admission Guidelines.
Admissions policy
In Year Admissions
If you want to move your child to our school during the academic year, please contact Tracy Rust to discuss the process and arrange a visit to the school. If there are no spaces available, you can put your child on the waiting list. Please complete the In Year Casual Admission Form below.
You can find more information on the In Year admissions process on Kent County Council website.
Admission Form